we are dedicated
and competitive

The Port of Québec
offers high-quality maritime
and harbour services.

  • Shipping agents, customs brokers and forwarding agents
  • Inspection and classification companies
  • Ship building and repair
  • CN, Québec-Gatineau and Charlevoix rail networks
  • Short and long-haul trucking
  • Clean drinking water and electricity at each dock
  • Mobile cranes with a capacity of up to 440 metric tons
  • Dedicated tug fleet suitable for Suezmax and Capesize
  • Bunkering
  • Marine engineering, refloating, wreckage retrieval

Canadian Coast Guard

  • Navigation assistance
  • De-icing, escort and flood-prevention services
  • Communications and marine traffic services
  • Search and rescue
  • Environmental action
  • Shipping fleets, hovercraft and helicopters

Corporations of Lower St. Lawrence and Central St. Lawrence Pilots

  • Mandatory pilotage service for vessels travelling up river between Les Escoumins and Québec
  • Mandatory pilotage service for vessels travelling down river between Trois-Rivières and Québec

QPA harbour services

  • Open 24/7